Function BalanceTransactionsApiFp

  • BalanceTransactionsApi - functional programming interface



    Returns {
        getBalanceTransaction(tilled_account, id, options?) => Promise<((axios?, basePath?) => AxiosPromise<BalanceTransaction>)>;
        getBalanceTransactionsSummary(tilled_account, time_unit?, time_zone?, created_at_gte?, created_at_lte?, types?, include_connected_accounts?, options?) => Promise<((axios?, basePath?) => AxiosPromise<BalanceTransactionsSummary>)>;
        listBalanceTransactions(tilled_account, created_at_gte?, created_at_lte?, type?, source_id?, payout_id?, offset?, limit?, options?) => Promise<((axios?, basePath?) => AxiosPromise<ListBalanceTransactions200Response>)>;

    • getBalanceTransaction:function
      • Retrieves the details of an existing Balance Transaction.


        Get a Balance Transaction



        • tilled_account: string

          The id of the Tilled Account (usually starting with the prefix `acct_`) that the request is performed on behalf of.

        • id: string
        • Optional options: RawAxiosRequestConfig<any>

          Override http request option.

        Returns Promise<((axios?, basePath?) => AxiosPromise<BalanceTransaction>)>

    • getBalanceTransactionsSummary:function
      • Returns a summary of Balance Transactions grouped by time_unit, type, and currency.


        Get a Balance Transactions Summary



        • tilled_account: string

          The id of the Tilled Account (usually starting with the prefix `acct_`) that the request is performed on behalf of.

        • Optional time_unit: GetBalanceTransactionsSummaryTimeUnit

          String indicating the unit of time to aggregate the summary of data.

        • Optional time_zone: GetBalanceTransactionsSummaryTimeZone

          Time Zone by which to aggregate the results.

        • Optional created_at_gte: string

          Minimum `created_at` value to filter by (inclusive). Defaults to the beginning of the current month.

        • Optional created_at_lte: string

          Maximum `created_at` value to filter by (inclusive). Defaults to midnight tonight.

        • Optional types: GetBalanceTransactionsSummaryTypes[]

          An array containing specific balance transaction types. The data will be filtered to include only transactions with a matching type property.

        • Optional include_connected_accounts: boolean

          Whether or not to include the results from any connected accounts.

        • Optional options: RawAxiosRequestConfig<any>

          Override http request option.

        Returns Promise<((axios?, basePath?) => AxiosPromise<BalanceTransactionsSummary>)>

    • listBalanceTransactions:function
      • Returns a list of Balance Transactions. The Balance Transactions are sorted with the most recently created appearing first.


        List all Balance Transactions



        • tilled_account: string

          The id of the Tilled Account (usually starting with the prefix `acct_`) that the request is performed on behalf of.

        • Optional created_at_gte: string

          Minimum `created_at` value to filter by (inclusive).

        • Optional created_at_lte: string

          Maximum `created_at` value to filter by (inclusive).

        • Optional type: ListBalanceTransactionsType

          Only return transaction of the given type.

        • Optional source_id: string

          Only returns the original transaction.

        • Optional payout_id: string

          Only returns transactions that were paid out on the specified payout ID.

        • Optional offset: number

          The (zero-based) offset of the first item in the collection to return.

        • Optional limit: number

          The maximum number of entries to return. If the value exceeds the maximum, then the maximum value will be used.

        • Optional options: RawAxiosRequestConfig<any>

          Override http request option.

        Returns Promise<((axios?, basePath?) => AxiosPromise<ListBalanceTransactions200Response>)>

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