Function PayoutsApiAxiosParamCreator

  • PayoutsApi - axios parameter creator



    Returns {
        getPayout: ((tilled_account, id, include?, options?) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        listPayouts: ((tilled_account, created_at_gte?, created_at_lte?, paid_at_gte?, paid_at_lte?, status?, include?, include_connected_accounts?, q?, offset?, limit?, options?) => Promise<RequestArgs>);

    • getPayout: ((tilled_account, id, include?, options?) => Promise<RequestArgs>)
        • (tilled_account, id, include?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Retrieves the details of an existing Payout.


          Get a Payout



          • tilled_account: string

            The id of the Tilled Account (usually starting with the prefix `acct_`) that the request is performed on behalf of.

          • id: string
          • Optional include: "transaction_count"[]

            An array of optional include parameters, specifying extra properties to return. Currently for this endpoint only accepts &#39;transaction_count&#39;. In the query parameters, this is specified as include=value1,value2,value3,etc.

          • Optional options: RawAxiosRequestConfig<any> = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • listPayouts: ((tilled_account, created_at_gte?, created_at_lte?, paid_at_gte?, paid_at_lte?, status?, include?, include_connected_accounts?, q?, offset?, limit?, options?) => Promise<RequestArgs>)
        • (tilled_account, created_at_gte?, created_at_lte?, paid_at_gte?, paid_at_lte?, status?, include?, include_connected_accounts?, q?, offset?, limit?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Returns a list of Payouts. The Payouts are sorted with the most recently created appearing first.


          List all Payouts



          • tilled_account: string

            The id of the Tilled Account (usually starting with the prefix `acct_`) that the request is performed on behalf of.

          • Optional created_at_gte: string

            Minimum `created_at` value to filter by (inclusive). Cannot be paired with paid_at_gte or paid_at_lte.

          • Optional created_at_lte: string

            Maximum `created_at` value to filter by (inclusive). Cannot be paired with paid_at_gte or paid_at_lte.

          • Optional paid_at_gte: string

            Minimum `paid_at` value to filter by (inclusive). Cannot be paired with created_at_gte or created_at_lte.

          • Optional paid_at_lte: string

            Maximum `paid_at` value to filter by (inclusive). Cannot be paired with created_at_gte or created_at_lte.

          • Optional status: ListPayoutsStatus

            Only return payouts that have the given status.

          • Optional include: "transaction_count"

            An array of optional include parameters, specifying extra properties to return. Currently for this endpoint only accepts &#39;transaction_count&#39;. In the query parameters, this is specified as include=value1,value2,value3,etc.

          • Optional include_connected_accounts: boolean

            Whether or not to include the results from any connected accounts.

          • Optional q: string

            Supports searching by ``, `payouts.amount`

          • Optional offset: number

            The (zero-based) offset of the first item in the collection to return.

          • Optional limit: number

            The maximum number of entries to return. If the value exceeds the maximum, then the maximum value will be used.

          • Optional options: RawAxiosRequestConfig<any> = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

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